
Shipping & Returns


Money Habitudes uses USPS Priority Mail or UPS for most domestic and international shipments. Orders usually ship from Winter Park, FL; it typically takes less than a week to reach most US domestic addresses. For large orders, please contact us about other shipment options.

We aim to ship all orders within 5 business days. If you need special or expedited shipping, please contact us.

International Shipping: Some foreign shipments may be delayed by customs inspections and you may be charged additional duties and fees by your home country. We are not able to estimate these customs considerations and recommend checking with your local post or customs authority.

Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Expect your refund within 7-10 business days upon confirmation of return. 

Please forward the original order email you received from us, along with your reason for the return. Either hit "reply" to that original email or send it directly to